Source code for

"""Numpy based codec for binary data structures."""

import enum
import functools
import collections
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional

import numpy as np

import bpack
import bpack.utils
import bpack.codecs

from .enums import EBaseUnits
from .descriptors import (

__all__ = [

BACKEND_NAME = "numpy"

def bin_field_descripor_to_dtype(field_descr: BinFieldDescriptor) -> np.dtype:
    """Convert a field descriptor into a :class:`numpy.dtype`.

    .. seealso:: :class:`bpack.descriptors.BinFieldDescriptor`.
    # TODO: add byteorder
    size = field_descr.size
    etype = bpack.utils.effective_type(field_descr.type)
    typecode = np.dtype(etype).kind

    if etype in (bytes, str):
        typecode = "S"
    elif etype is int and not field_descr.signed:
        typecode = "u"

    if typecode == "O":
        raise TypeError(f"unsupported type: {field_descr.type:!r}")

    repeat = field_descr.repeat
    repeat = repeat if repeat and repeat > 1 else ""

    return np.dtype(f"{repeat}{typecode}{size}")

[docs]def descriptor_to_dtype(descriptor) -> np.dtype: """Convert the descriptor of a binary record into a :class:`numpy.dtype`. Please note that (unicode) strings are treated as "utf-8" encoded byte strings. UCS4 encoded strings are not supported. Sequences (:class:`typing.Sequence` and :class:`typing.List`) are always converted into :class:`numpy.ndarray`. .. seealso:: :func:`bpack.descriptors.descriptor`. """ params = collections.defaultdict(list) for field in bpack.fields(descriptor): field_descr = get_field_descriptor(field) if bpack.is_descriptor(field_descr.type): dtype = descriptor_to_dtype(field_descr.type) else: dtype = bin_field_descripor_to_dtype(field_descr) params["names"].append( params["formats"].append(dtype) params["offsets"].append(field_descr.offset) # params['titles'].append('...') params = dict(params) # numpy do not accept defaultdict params["itemsize"] = bpack.calcsize(descriptor) dt = np.dtype(dict(params)) byteorder = bpack.byteorder(descriptor).value if byteorder: dt = dt.newbyteorder(byteorder) return dt
def _decode_converter_factory(type_): etype = bpack.utils.effective_type(type_) if bpack.utils.is_enum_type(type_): if etype is str: def converter(x, cls=type_): # TODO: harmonize with other backends that use 'ascii' return cls(x.tobytes().decode("utf-8")) else: def converter(x, cls=type_): return cls(x) elif etype is str: def converter(x): # TODO: harmonize with other backends that use 'ascii' return x.tobytes().decode("utf-8") elif bpack.is_descriptor(type_): def converter(x, cls=type_): return cls(*x) else: converter = None return converter def _encode_converter_factory(type_): converter = None etype = bpack.utils.effective_type(type_) if bpack.utils.is_enum_type(type_): if etype is str: def converter(x): # TODO: harmonize with other backends that use 'ascii' return x.value.encode("utf-8") elif not issubclass(type_, int): def converter(x): return x.value elif etype is str: def converter(x): # TODO: harmonize with other backends that use 'ascii' return x.encode("utf-8") # TODO: cleanup # elif bpack.is_descriptor(type_): # # astuple works recursively so nested descriptors have been # # already converted into sequences # # # # def converter(x): # # return bpack.astuple(x, tuple_factory=list) # pass return converter
[docs]class Codec(bpack.codecs.Codec): """Numpy based codec. (Unicode) strings are treated as "utf-8" encoded byte strings. UCS4 encoded strings are not supported. """ baseunits = EBaseUnits.BYTES def __init__(self, descriptor): """Initialize the codec. The *descriptor* parameter* is a bpack record descriptor. """ super().__init__(descriptor) assert bpack.bitorder(descriptor) is None decode_converters = [ (idx, _decode_converter_factory(field_descr.type)) for idx, field_descr in enumerate(field_descriptors(descriptor)) ] encode_converters = [ (idx, _encode_converter_factory(field_descr.type)) for idx, field_descr in enumerate(field_descriptors(descriptor)) ] self._dtype = descriptor_to_dtype(descriptor) self._decode_converters = [ (idx, func) for idx, func in decode_converters if func ] self._encode_converters = [ (idx, func) for idx, func in encode_converters if func ] @property def dtype(self): """Return the numpy `dtype` corresponding to the `codec.descriptor`.""" return self._dtype
[docs] def decode(self, data: bytes, count: int = 1): """Decode binary data and return a record object.""" v = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=self._dtype, count=count) if self._decode_converters: out = [] for item in v: item = list(item) # fields of the np record for idx, func in self._decode_converters: item[idx] = func(item[idx]) out.append(self.descriptor(*item)) else: out = [self.descriptor(*item) for item in v] if len(v) == 1: out = out[0] return out
[docs] def encode(self, record): """Encode record (Python object) into binary data.""" # exploit the recursive behaviour of astuple values = bpack.astuple(record) # , tuple_factory=list) values = list(values) # nested record and sequences stay tuples for idx, func in self._encode_converters: values[idx] = func(values[idx]) return np.array(tuple(values), dtype=self.dtype).tobytes()
codec = bpack.codecs.make_codec_decorator(Codec) Decoder = Encoder = Codec decoder = encoder = codec # --- bits packing/unpacking -------------------------------------------------- class EMaskMode(enum.Enum): """Mask mode. :STANDARD: mask the lower nbits, e.g. 0b00001111 for nbit=4 :COMPLEMENT: mask the upper bits by complementing the STANDARD mask, e.g. 0b11110000 for nbit=4 and dtype"unit8" :SINGLE_BIT: mask only the n-th bit (conunting form zero), e.g. 0b00001000 form nbit=4 """ STANDARD = 0 COMPLEMENT = 1 SINGLE_BIT = 2 def _get_item_size(bits_per_sample: int) -> int: """Item size of the integer type that can take requested bits.""" if bits_per_sample > 64 or bits_per_sample < 1: raise ValueError(f"bits_per_sample: {bits_per_sample}") elif bits_per_sample <= 8: return 1 else: return 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(bits_per_sample)) - 3) def _get_buffer_size(bits_per_sample: int) -> int: """Item size of the integer type that can take requested bits and shift.""" return _get_item_size(bits_per_sample + 7) # @COMPATIBILITY: lru_cache without parenteses requires Python > 3.7 @functools.lru_cache() def make_bitmask( bits_per_sample: int, dtype=None, mode: EMaskMode = EMaskMode.STANDARD, ) -> np.ndarray: """Return a mask for dtype according to the specified nbits and mask mode. .. sealso:: :class:`EMaskMode`. """ mode = EMaskMode(mode) assert 0 < bits_per_sample <= 64 if dtype is None: dtype = f"u{_get_item_size(bits_per_sample)}" if mode == EMaskMode.SINGLE_BIT: mask = 2 ** (bits_per_sample - 1) if bits_per_sample > 0 else 0 mask = np.asarray(mask) else: shift = np.array(64 - bits_per_sample, dtype=np.uint32) mask = np.array(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) >> shift if mode == EMaskMode.COMPLEMENT: mask = np.invert(mask) return mask.astype(dtype) class BitUnpackParams(NamedTuple): samples: int dtype: str buf_itemsize: int buf_dtype: str index_map: np.ndarray shifts: np.ndarray mask: np.ndarray @functools.lru_cache() # @COPMPATIBILITY with Python 3.7 def _unpackbits_params( nbits: int, bits_per_sample: int, samples_per_block: int, bit_offset: int, blockstride: int, signed: bool = False, byteorder: str = ">", ) -> BitUnpackParams: assert nbits >= bit_offset if samples_per_block is None: if blockstride is not None: raise ValueError( "'samples_per_block' cannot be computed automatically " "when 'blockstride' is provided" ) samples_per_block = (nbits - bit_offset) // bits_per_sample blocksize = bits_per_sample * samples_per_block if blockstride is None: blockstride = blocksize else: assert blockstride >= blocksize nstrides = (nbits - bit_offset) // blockstride extrabits = nbits - bit_offset - nstrides * blockstride if extrabits >= blocksize: nblocks = nstrides + 1 extra_samples = 0 else: nblocks = nstrides extra_samples = extrabits // bits_per_sample assert nblocks >= 0 pad = blockstride - blocksize sizes = [bit_offset] if nblocks > 0: sizes.extend([bits_per_sample] * (samples_per_block - 1)) block_sizes = [bits_per_sample + pad] + [bits_per_sample] * ( samples_per_block - 1 ) sizes.extend(block_sizes * (nblocks - 1)) if extra_samples: sizes.append(bits_per_sample + pad) sizes.extend([bits_per_sample] * (extra_samples - 1)) bit_offsets = np.cumsum(sizes) byte_offsets = bit_offsets // 8 samples = len(bit_offsets) itemsize = _get_item_size(bits_per_sample) buf_itemsize = _get_buffer_size(bits_per_sample) dtype = f"{byteorder}{'i' if signed else 'u'}{itemsize}" buf_dtype = f"{byteorder}u{buf_itemsize}" index = np.arange(buf_itemsize) + byte_offsets[:, None] index = np.clip(index, 0, nbits // 8 - 1) mask = make_bitmask(bits_per_sample, buf_dtype) shifts = bit_offsets - byte_offsets * 8 + bits_per_sample shifts = buf_itemsize * 8 - shifts return BitUnpackParams( samples=samples, dtype=dtype, buf_itemsize=buf_itemsize, buf_dtype=buf_dtype, index_map=index, shifts=shifts, mask=mask, )
[docs]class ESignMode(enum.IntEnum): """Enumeration for sign encoding convention.""" UNSIGNED = 0 SIGNED = 1 SIGN_AND_MOD = 2
def unsigned_to_signed( data, bits_per_sample: int, dtype=None, sign_mode: ESignMode = ESignMode.SIGNED, inplace: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Convert unpacked unsigned integers into signed integers. .. sealso:: :class:`ESignMode`. """ if dtype is None: dtype = f"i{_get_item_size(bits_per_sample)}" sign_mode = ESignMode(sign_mode) if inplace: if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( f"The input 'data' ({data!r}) parameter is not a " f"'numpy.ndarray'" ) out = data else: out = np.array(data) out = out.astype(dtype) sign_mask = make_bitmask(bits_per_sample, dtype, EMaskMode.SINGLE_BIT) is_negative = (out & sign_mask).astype(bool) if sign_mode == ESignMode.SIGNED: cmask = make_bitmask( bits_per_sample - 1, dtype, mode=EMaskMode.COMPLEMENT ) out[is_negative] = out[is_negative] | cmask elif sign_mode == ESignMode.SIGN_AND_MOD: mask = make_bitmask(bits_per_sample - 1, dtype) sign = (-1) ** is_negative out = sign * (out & mask) return out @functools.lru_cache() # @COMPATIBILITY: parenteses not needed in Python>=3.8 def make_unsigned_to_signed_lut( bits_per_sample: int, dtype=None, sign_mode: ESignMode = ESignMode.SIGNED, ) -> np.ndarray: """Build a look-up table (LUT) for unsigned to signed integer conversion. .. sealso:: :class:`ESignMode`. """ assert bits_per_sample <= 16 idtype = f"u{_get_item_size(bits_per_sample)}" data = np.arange(2**bits_per_sample, dtype=idtype) return unsigned_to_signed( data, bits_per_sample, dtype, sign_mode, inplace=True )
[docs]def unpackbits( data: bytes, bits_per_sample: int, samples_per_block: Optional[int] = None, bit_offset: int = 0, blockstride: Optional[int] = None, sign_mode: ESignMode = ESignMode.UNSIGNED, byteorder: str = ">", use_lut: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """Unpack packed (integer) values form a string of bytes. Takes in input a string of bytes in which (integer) samples have been stored using ``bits_per_sample`` bit for each sample, and returns the sequence of corresponding Python integers. Example:: 3 bytes 4 samples |------|------|------|------| --> [samp_1, samp_2, samp_3, samp_4] 4 samples (6 bits per sample) :param data: bytes string of bytes containing the packed data :param bits_per_sample: int the number of bits used to encode each sample :param samples_per_block: int, optional the number of samples in each data block contained in the input string of bytes. This parameter is mostly relevant if the data block contains other information (or padding bits) in addition to the data samples. The number of blocks is deduced from the length of the input string of bytes, the number of samples per block and the number of bits per sample. If `samples_per_block` is not provided it is assumed a single block, and the number of samples is derived from the length of the input string of bytes and the number of bits per sample. :param bit_offset: int, optional the number of bits after which the sequence of samples (data blocks) starts (default: 0). It can be used e.g. to take into account of a possible binary header at the beginning of the sequence of samples. :param blockstride: int, optional the number of bits between the start of a data block and the start of the following one. This parameter is mostly relevant if the data block contains other information (or padding bits) in addition to the data samples. If not provided the `blockstride` is assumed to be equal to the size of the data block i.e. `bits_per_sample * samples_per_block`. :param sign_mode: ESignMode, optional specifies how the sign of the integer samples shall is encoded. Dy default unsigned samples are assumed. .. seealso:: :class:`ESignMode`. :param byteorder: str, optional Byte order of the encoded integers. Only relevant for multi byte samples. Default: ">" (big endian). :param use_lut: bool, optional specifies whenever the decoding of signed samples shall exploit look-up tables (typically faster). Default: True. """ signed = bool(sign_mode in {ESignMode.SIGNED, ESignMode.SIGN_AND_MOD}) if bit_offset == 0 and blockstride is None: if bits_per_sample == 1 and sign_mode == ESignMode.UNSIGNED: return np.unpackbits(np.frombuffer(data, dtype="uint8")) elif ( bits_per_sample in {8, 16, 32, 64} and sign_mode != ESignMode.SIGN_AND_MOD ): size = bits_per_sample // 8 kind = "i" if signed else "u" typestr = f"{byteorder}{kind}{size}" return np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.dtype(typestr)) nbits = len(data) * 8 params = _unpackbits_params( nbits, bits_per_sample, samples_per_block, bit_offset, blockstride, signed, byteorder, ) samples, dtype, buf_itemsize, buf_dtype, index_map, shifts, mask = params npdata = np.frombuffer(data, dtype="u1") buf = np.empty(samples, dtype=buf_dtype) bytesview = buf.view(dtype="u1").reshape(samples, buf_itemsize) bytesview[...] = npdata[index_map] outdata = ((buf >> shifts) & mask).astype(dtype) if sign_mode == ESignMode.UNSIGNED: pass elif sign_mode in {ESignMode.SIGNED, ESignMode.SIGN_AND_MOD}: if not use_lut: outdata = unsigned_to_signed( outdata, bits_per_sample, dtype, sign_mode, inplace=True ) else: lut = make_unsigned_to_signed_lut( bits_per_sample, dtype, sign_mode ) outdata = lut[outdata] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid 'sign_mode' parameter: '{sign_mode}'") return outdata