User Guide

Core concepts

bpack is a lightweight Python package intended to help users to

  • describe binary data structures

  • encode/decode binary data to/from Python object


The user can define binary data structure in a declarative way, as follows:

import bpack

class BinaryRecord:
    field_1: float = bpack.field(size=8)
    field_2: int = bpack.field(size=4, signed=True)

Key concepts for definition of binary data structures are

  • the declaration of the data structure by means of the bpack.descriptors.descriptor() class decorator. It allows to specify the main properties of the data structure.

  • the specification of the characteristics of each field, mainly the data type, the size and (optionally) the offset with respect to the beginning of the record. This can be done using the bpack.descriptors.field() factory function.

In the above example the BinaryRecord has been defined to have two fields:


a double precision floating point (8 bytes)


a 32bit signed integer (4 bytes)

size is expressed in bytes in this case.

The offset of the fields have not been explicitly specified so they are computed automatically.

In the example field_1 has offset=0, while field_2 has offset=8 i.e. data belonging to field_2 immediately follow the ones of the previous field.

The design is strongly inspired to the one of the dataclasses package of the Python standard library.


Once a binary structure is defined, the bpack package allows to automatically generate Codec objects that are able to convert binary data into a Python objects and vice versa:


binary_data = b"\x18-DT\xfb!\t@\x15\xcd[\x07"

codec =
record = codec.decode(binary_data)

assert record.field_1 == 3.141592653589793
assert record.field_2 == 123456789

BinaryRecord(field_1=3.141592653589793, field_2=123456789)
encoded_data = codec.encode(record)
assert binary_data == encoded_data

print("binary_data: ", binary_data)
print("encoded_data:", encoded_data)
binary_data:  b'\x18-DT\xfb!\t@\x15\xcd[\x07'
encoded_data: b'\x18-DT\xfb!\t@\x15\xcd[\x07'

In the example above it has been used the class from the module.

Please note that the decoder class (

  • takes in input the descriptor (i.e. the type) of the binary data structure, and

  • return a codec object which is capable to encode/decode only binary data organized according to the descriptor received at the instantiation time. If one need to encode/decode a differed data structure than it is necessary to instantiate a different codec.

The module used in the example is just one of the, so called, backends available in bpack.

See the Backends section below for more details.

Binary data structures declaration

As anticipated above the declaration of a binary data structure and its main properties is done using the bpack.descriptors.descriptor() class decorator.

Bit vs byte structures

One of the properties that the bpack.descriptors.descriptor() class decorator allows to specify is baseunits. It allows to specify the elementary units used to describe the binary structure itself. A structure can be described in terms of bytes or in terms of bits, i.e. if field size and offsets have to be intended as number of bytes of as number of bits.

This is an important distinction for two reasons:

  • it is fundamental for decoders (see below) to know much data have to be converted and where this data are exactly located in a string of bytes

  • not all backends are capable of decoding both kinds of structures


Currently available backends do not support nested data structures (see Record nesting) described using different baseunits (see Limitations).

Baseunits can be specified as follows:

class BitRecord:
    field_1: bool = bpack.field(size=1)
    field_2: int = bpack.field(size=3)
    field_3: int = bpack.field(size=4)

The baseunits parameter has been specified as a parameter of the bpack.descriptors.descriptor() class decorator and its possible values are enumerated by the bpack.enums.EBaseUnits enum.Enum:

If the baseunits parameter is not specified than it is assumed to be equal to bpack.enums.EBaseUnits.BYTES by default.

Please note that the entire data structure of the above example is only 8 bits (1 byte) large.


Please note that baseunits and many of the function and method parameters whose valued is supposed to be an enum.Enum can also accept a string value. E.g. the above example can also be written as follows:

class BitRecord:
    field_1: bool = bpack.field(size=1)
    field_2: int = bpack.field(size=3)
    field_3: int = bpack.field(size=4)

Please refer to the specific enum documentation (in this case bpack.enums.EBaseUnits) to know which are string values corresponding to the desired enumerated value.

Specifying bit/byte order

Other important parameters for the bpack.descriptors.descriptor() class decorator are:


whose possible values are described by bpack.enums.EByteOrder. By the fault the native byte order is assumed.


whose possible values are described by bpack.enums.EBitOrder. The bitorder parameter shall always be set to None the if baseunits value is bpack.enums.EBaseUnits.BYTES.

Both this parameters describe the internal organization of binary data of each field.

Descriptor size

The bpack.descriptors.descriptor() class decorator also allows to specify explicitly the overall size of the binary data structure:

@bpack.descriptor(baseunits="bits", size=8)
class BinaryRecord:
    field_1: bool = bpack.field(size=1)
    field_2: int = bpack.field(size=3)

In this case the the overall size of BitRecord is 8 bits (1 bytes)

>>> bpack.calcsize(BinaryRecord)

even if the sum of sizes of all fields is only 4 bits.

Usually explicitly specifying the size of a binary data structure is not necessary because the bpack is able to compute it automatically by looking at the size of fields.

In some cases, anyway, it can be useful to specify it, e.g. when one want to use a descriptor like the one defined in the above example as field of a larger descriptor (see Record nesting). In this case it is important tho know the correct size of each field in order to be able to automatically compute the offset of the following ones.

Fields specification

As anticipated in the previous section there are three main elements that the bpack package need to know about fields in order to have a complete description of a binary data structure:

  • the field data type,

  • the field size (expressed in baseunits, see Bit vs byte structures), and

  • the field offset with respect to the beginning of the binary data structure (also in this case expressed in baseunits, see Bit vs byte structures)

class BinaryRecord:
    field: int = bpack.field(size=4, offset=0)

Please note, anyway, that in some case it is possible to infer some of the above information from the context so it is not always necessary to specify all of them explicitly. More details will be provided in the following.

As shown in the example above the main way to specify a field descriptor is to use the bpack.descriptors.field() factory function together with Python type annotations to specify the data type.


The data type of a field is the only parameter that is always mandatory, and also it is the only parameter that is not specified by means of the bpack.descriptors.field() factory function. Rather it is specified using the standard Python syntax for type annotations.

Currently supported data types are:

basic types:

basic Python types like bool, int, float, bytes, str (complex is not supported currently)


enumeration types defined using the enum module of the standard Python library. Please refer to the Enumeration fields section for more details about features and limitations


used to define fields containing a sequence of homogeneous values (i.e. values having the same data type). A sequence data type in bpack can be defined using the standard type annotations classes like typing.Sequence or typing.List, or directly list[…]. Please refer to the Sequence fields section for more details about features and limitations


i.e. any binary data structure defined using the bpack.descriptors.descriptor() class decorator (see also Record nesting)

type annotations:

annotated data types defined by means of the bpack.typing.T type annotation. Please refer to the Special type annotations section for a more detailed description


The str type in Python is used to represent unicode strings. The conversion of this kind of strings from/to binary format requires some form of decoding/encoding. Bpack codecs (see Data codecs) convert str data from/to bytes strings using the “UTF-8” encoding.

Please note that the size of a str field still describes the number of bits/bytes in its binary representation, not the length of the string (which in principle could require a number of bytes larger that the number of characters).


The field size is specified as a positive integer in baseunits (see the Bit vs byte structures section).

It is a fundamental information and it must be always specified by means of the bpack.descriptors.field() factory function unless it is absolutely clear and unambiguous how to determine the fields size from the data type.

This is only possible in the following cases:

  • the data type is bool in which case the size is assumed to be 1 (at the moment no other basic type has a default size associated)

  • the data type is a record descriptor, in which case the field size is computed as follows:

    bpack.calcsize(BinaryRecord, units=bpack.baseunits(BinaryRecord))
  • the data type is specified using special type annotations also including size information:

    from bpack import T
    class BinaryRecord:
        field: T["u3"]

    The T["u3"] type annotation specifier defines an unsigned integer type (u) having size 3 (for the specific example this means 3 bytes). Please refer to the Special type annotations section for more details.

Please note that the size of the field must not necessarily correspond to the size of one of the data types supported by the platform. In the example above it has been specified a type T["u3"] which corresponds to a 24 bits unsigned integer. It is represented using a standard Python int in the Python code but the binary representation will always take only 3 bytes.


The field offset is specified as a not-negative integer in baseunits (see the Bit vs byte structures section), and it represent the amount of baseunits from the beginning of the record to the beginning of the field.

It is a fundamental information and it can be specified by means of the bpack.descriptors.field() factory function.

The bpack package, anyway, implements a mechanism to automatically compute the field offset exploiting information of the other fields in the record. For this reason it is necessary to specify the field offset explicitly only in very specific cases.

For example the verbose definition of a record with 5 integer fields looks like the following:

class BinaryRecord:
    field_1: int = bpack.field(size=4, offset=0)
    field_2: int = bpack.field(size=4, offset=4)
    field_3: int = bpack.field(size=4, offset=8)
    field_4: int = bpack.field(size=4, offset=12)
    field_5: int = bpack.field(size=4, offset=16)

If not specified, the offset of the first field is assumed to be 0, and the offset of the following fields is assumed to be equal to the offset of the previous field plus the size of the previous field itself:

field[n].offset = field[n - 1].offset + field[n - 1].size

In short the automatic offset computation works assuming that all fields are stored contiguously and without holes.

class BinaryRecord:
    field_1: int = bpack.field(size=4)  # offset = 0 first field
    field_2: int = bpack.field(size=4)  # offset = 4
                                        # field_1.offset + field_1.size
    field_3: int = bpack.field(size=4)  # offset = 8
                                        # field_2.offset + field_2.size
    field_4: int = bpack.field(size=4)  # offset = 12
                                        # field_3.offset + field_3.size
    field_5: int = bpack.field(size=4)  # offset = 16
                                        # field_4.offset + field_4.size

Now suppose that the user is not interested in the field n. 2 and wants to remove it from the descriptor. This creates a gap in the binary data which makes not possible to exploit the automatic offset computation mechanism:

class BinaryRecord:
    field_1: int = bpack.field(size=4)    # offset = 0 first field
    # field_2: int = bpack.field(size=4)
    field_3: int = bpack.field(size=4)    # offset = 4 != 8   NOT CORRECT
    field_4: int = bpack.field(size=4)    # offset = 8 != 12  NOT CORRECT
    field_5: int = bpack.field(size=4)    # offset = 12 != 16 NOT CORRECT

The automatic computation of the offset fails, in this case, because of the missing information about field_2. Indeed, since field_2 has not been specified, for the computation of the offset of field_3 bpack assumes that the previous field is field_1 and performs the computation accordingly:

field_3.offest = fielf_1.offset + field_i.size == 4 != 8  # INCORRECT

The incorrect offset of field_3 causes the incorrect computation of the offset all the fields that follow.

One option to recover the correct behavior (without falling back to the verbose description shown at the beginning of the section) is to specify explicitly only the offset of the first field after the gap:

class BinaryRecord:
    field_1: int = bpack.field(size=4)    # offset = 0 first field
    # field_2: int = bpack.field(size=4)
    field_3: int = bpack.field(size=4, offset=8)
    field_4: int = bpack.field(size=4)    # offset = 12
    field_5: int = bpack.field(size=4)    # offset = 16

In this way the correct offset can be computed automatically for all fields but the one(s) immediately following a gap in the data descriptor.

Signed integer types

Only for integer types, it is possible to specify if the integer value is signed or not. Although this distinction is not relevant in the Python code, it is necessary to have this information when data have to be stored in binary form.

class BinaryRecord:
    field: int = bpack.field(size=4, offset=0, signed=True)

If signed is not specified for a field having an integer type, then it is assumed to be False (unsigned).

The signed parameter is ignored if the data type is not int.

Default values

The bpack.descriptors.field() factory function also allows to specify default values using the default parameter:

class BinaryRecord:
    field: int = bpack.field(size=4, default=0)

This allows to instantiate the record without specifying the value of each field:

>>> BinaryRecord()

In cases in which the bpack.descriptors.field() factory function is not used for field definition, the default value can be specified by direct assignment:

class BinaryRecord:
    field_1: bool = False
    field_2: bpack.T["i4"] = 33


No check is performed by bpack to ensure that the default value specified for a field is consistent with the corresponding data type.

Enumeration fields

The bpack package supports direct mapping of integer types, strings of bytes and Python str (unicode) into enumerated values of Python Enum types (including also IntEnum and IntFlag).


import enum

class EColor(enum.IntEnum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3
    BLACK = 10
    WHITE = 11

class BinaryRecord:
    foreground: EColor = bpack.field(size=4, default=EColor.BLACK)
    background: EColor = bpack.field(size=4, default=EColor.WHITE)

record = BinaryRecord()
BinaryRecord(foreground=<EColor.BLACK: 10>, background=<EColor.WHITE: 11>)

The EColor enum values are lower that 16 so they can be represented with only 4 bits.

In particular the binary representation of BLACK and WHITE is:

>>> format(EColor.BLACK, "04b")
>>> format(EColor.WHITE, "04b")

and the binary string representing the above defined binary record is:

data = bytes([0b10101011])

The data string can be decoded using the backend that is suitable to handle binary data structures with bits as baseunits:


decoder =
record = decoder.decode(data)
BinaryRecord(foreground=<EColor.BLACK: 10>, background=<EColor.WHITE: 11>)

The result is directly mapped into Python enum values: EColor:BLACK and EColor:WHITE.


The Enum sub-classes are accepted as field type only if all the enumeration values have the same type (int, bytes or str).


import enum
import bpack

class EType(enum.Enum):
   A = "A"
   B = 2

class Record:
   field: EType = bpack.field(size=8, default=EType.A)  # ERROR!

The above code will result in the following error:

1 @bpack.descriptor(baseunits=bpack.EBaseUnits.BITS)
2 class Record:
3     field: EType = bpack.field(size=8, default=EType.A)


TypeError: only Enum with homogeneous values are supported

Sequence fields

bpack provides a basic support to homogeneous sequence fields i.e. fields containing a sequence of values having the same data type.

The sequence is specified using the standard Python type annotation classes typing.Sequence or typing.List, or directly using the list[…] notation.

The data type of a sequence item can be any of the basic data types described in Type.

from typing import Sequence

class BinaryRecord:
    sequence: Sequence[int] = bpack.field(size=1, repeat=2)
    list_: list[float] = bpack.field(size=4, repeat=3)

Please note that the size parameter of the bpack.descriptors.field() factory function describes the size of the sequence item, while the repeat parameter described the number of elements in the sequence.

The and backend map Sequence[T] onto Python tuple instances and List[T] or list[T] onto list instances. The instead maps all kind of sequences onto numpy.ndarray instances.

Record nesting

Descriptors of binary structures (record types) can have fields that are binary structure descriptors in their turn (sub-records).


class SubRecord:
    field_21: int = bpack.field(size=2, default=1)
    field_22: int = bpack.field(size=2, default=2)

class Record:
    field_1: int = bpack.field(size=4, default=0)
    field_2: SubRecord = bpack.field(default_factory=SubRecord)

Record(field_1=0, field_2=SubRecord(field_21=1, field_22=2))

Decoding of the Record structure will automatically decode also data belonging to the sub-record and assign to field_2 a SubRecord instance.

Special type annotations

Using the bpack.descriptors.field() factory function to define fields can be sometime very verbose and boring.

The bpack package provides a typing annotation helper, bpack.typing.T, that allows to specify basic types annotated with additional information like the size or the signed attribute for integers. This helps to reduce the amount of typesetting required to specify a binary structure.

The bpack.typing.T type annotation class takes in input a string argument and converts it into an annotated basic type.

>>> T["u4"]                           
typing.Annotated[int, TypeParams(byteorder=None, type='int',
                                 size=4, signed=False)]

The resulting type annotation is a typing.Annotated basic type with attached a bpack.typing.TypeParams instance.

This allows bpack to retrieve the information necessary to specify a field.

For example the following descriptor:

class BinaryRecord:
    field_1: int = bpack.field(size=4, signed=True, default=0)
    field_2: int = bpack.field(size=4, signed=False, default=1)

Can be specified in a more synthetic form as follows:

class BinaryRecord:
    field_1: T["i4"] = 0
    field_2: T["u4"] = 1

String descriptors, or typestr, are compatible with numpy (a sub-set of the one used in the numpy array interface).

The typestr string format consists of 3 parts:

  • an (optional) character describing the bit/byte order of the data

    • <: little-endian,

    • >: big-endian,

    • |: not-relevant

  • a character code giving the basic type of the array, and

  • an integer providing the number of bits/bytes used by the type

The basic type character codes are:

  • i: sighed integer

  • u: unsigned integer

  • f: float

  • c: complex (currently not supported)

  • S: bytes (string)


Although the typestr format allows to specify the bit/byte order of the datatype it is usually not necessary to do it because descriptor object already have this information.

Data codecs


Backends provide encoding/decoding capabilities for binary data descriptors exploiting external packages to do the low level job.

Currently bpack provides the following backends:

  • backend, based on the struct package, and

  • backend, based on the bitstruct package to decode binary data described at bit level, i.e. with fields that can have size expressed in terms of number of bits (also smaller that 8).

  • backend, based on numpy (limited encoding capabilities)

Additionally a backend, feature incomplete, is also provided mainly for benchmarking purposes. The backend is based on the bitarray package.

Codec objects

Each backend provides a Codec class that can be used to instantiate a codec objects.

Please refer to the Codecs section for a description of basic concepts of how decoders work.

Decoders are instantiated passing to the Codec class a binary data record descriptor. Each codec has

  • a descriptor property, by which it is possible to access the descriptor associated to the Codec instance

  • a baseunits property, that indicates the kind of descriptors supported by the Decoder class

  • a decode(data: bytes) method, that takes in input a string of bytes and returns an instance of the record type specified at the instantiation of the codec object

  • a encode(record) method, that takes in input an instance of the record type specified at the instantiation of the codec object (a Python object) and returns a string of bytes

Details on the Codec API can be found in:


the backend does not provides encoding capabilities so no class exists. A class exists instead providing only decoding capabilities.

Codec decorator

Each backend provides also a @codec decorator the can be used to add to a descriptor direct decoding capabilities. In particular the frombytes(data: bytes) class method and the tobytes() method are added to the descriptor to be able to write code as the following:

import bpack
class BinaryRecord:
    field_1: float = bpack.field(size=8)
    field_2: int = bpack.field(size=4, signed=True)

binary_data = b"\x18-DT\xfb!\t@\x15\xcd[\x07"
record = BinaryRecord.frombytes(binary_data)

BinaryRecord(field_1=3.141592653589793, field_2=123456789)
encoded_data = record.tobytes()
assert binary_data == encoded_data
